The sea is not just a nice place to go for vacation, but is full of life and energy. With so many unique and fascinating species, the sea is a wonderful source of biodiversity which often seems to be a living being itself. The creatures that adapt to the ecosystems of the sea include invertebrates, mammals, sea birds, plant life and more. The way each relates to the other creatures around it and its habitat can be fascinating. Many species of the sea have a lot to teach, and as in so many areas of the world, a lot of sea species are disappearing before scientists have a chance to properly study them. This is not just a danger for science. Any interruption in an ecosystem can have a large impact, and the seas are in particular risk due to human activity and climate change.
It’s hard to predict what the consequences of global warming will be, but it’s becoming pretty clear that the sea will be significantly affected. With rising temperatures, the temperature of the water will also rise, which may result in the elimination of species, especially as carbon dioxide in the sea simultaneously increases. Too many species of the sea are already in danger from abusive human practices, such as over-fishing. Interrupting the food chain of the sea can have far-reaching consequences, and already biodiversity is declining. The sea is not merely beautiful and awe-inspiring, it is an important part of the earth’s biological system. Limiting the damage to the sea should be the responsibility of all people.