вторник, 12 января 2010 г.


Sea is a huge home for fish and other living creatures; it is the same home for sea creatures just like earth is a huge home for us. And I guess no one will run counter the fact that they are dolphins the most unbelievable creatures that live in the sea. Scientifics say that dolphins are creatures that almost like people and those are actually the closets creature to people according to their way of mind and way of life, if you know what I mean. Dolphins are friendly creatures and those never hurt people but in counter, there are cases known when dolphins saved people who were almost drowned. And do you know that dolphins are creatures that never sleep. Actually, they have their sleep but they can sleep with only one sphere of brain and that is why while one sphere is sleeping another is operating and this fish is awaken. And there are also people who can sleep with one sphere of brain, but I guess it is more like anomaly than rule for people. See, dolphins are alike people or people are alike dolphins.